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Reli-Pack B.V. can now offer their clients a wider range of products thanks to the large size and flexibility of the BRM 100160 laser machine. Reli-Pack goes beyond just providing an attractive exterior; they offer a complete packaging solution. Upon request, they also fill packages for their clients with liquids, granular materials (granules), or powders. Additionally, they vacuum-seal plastic blisters and trays, and deep drawing is one of their specialties. Within this diverse range of services, they also received a request from a customer to produce self-adhesive fabric stickers for repairing outdoor clothing.

That size for that price? That's interesting!

To meet this demand, Aalt Melgert (director of Reli-Pack) set out to find a machine that could actually produce the required items. During his search, he initially found nothing that seemed to fit. That was until he attended a trade show for entirely different matters and came across a software company showcasing a BRM laser machine, complete with a price tag. He realized that if he could get that size for that price, he could really compete. That made it interesting enough to pursue. By contacting BRM, he ended up connecting with VROTECH.

Pleasant Contact Moments

When purchasing the laser machine, Mr. Melgert initially only dealt with Ton Vroon from VROTECH. The contact went excellently. The interactions with BRM, who supplied and installed the machine, were also perfect. At the time of installation, Reli-Pack was still operating from Barneveld. Melgert had plans to move to Nijkerk and made that clear right away. After installation at the old location, the move to their new site was coordinated, and that was also carried out flawlessly.

"I received excellent instructions, which made me understand right away how to use the machine."

Internal Advanced Training

There was a significant gap between the purchase of the machine and the advanced course VROTECH provided at Reli-Pack. Mr. Melgert has a solid rationale for this. He wanted to first familiarize himself with the machine better. Had he taken the course immediately, he would have found it less valuable since he was still completely unfamiliar with the equipment.

After some time of experimenting, testing, and self-learning, he understood the machine much better. This allowed him to have more influence on the content of the training, as he could ask much more specific questions based on the knowledge he had already gained. He was very pleased that the course was conducted internally on their own machine.

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