Ready to Use
As a technical advisor and a member of the board at PTS Boom, Patrick Huysmans is responsible for all technical aspects and the mechanics department in general. He is very pleased with the laser machine, which was purchased back in 2016. Satisfaction is high, as no significant issues have arisen. The machine is always ready for use. He finds the price-to-quality ratio excellent. However, PTS Boom did purchase a new transparent cover, replacing the standard tinted glass version. The colored cover made it difficult to see the work clearly. With the colorless version, they can see their project very clearly and follow the cutting and engraving process with ease.
Service, Costs, and Size as Decisive Factors
Before making the purchase, Huysmans requested quotes from five different laser machine providers. Since such an acquisition falls under an investment budget, this is a necessary step. They follow the same procedure for all larger purchases. From the provider with the best ratings, they then proceed with the acquisition. The evaluation takes into account the price, all technical specifications, and, of course, what they as an educational institution deem essential.
They chose this size because it best suits the size of the workpieces being made and because it is the largest model used within this program. They also negotiated with a competing brand, but their machines were half the size of the VROTECH laser machines. Another important factor was the after-sales service. This will certainly be considered when purchasing a second machine. They have had virtually no problems, so this factor definitely counts. There have been a few instances where PTS Boom reached out to VROTECH, but that was more because they hadn’t managed to resolve certain issues on their own. VROTECH handled and solved these matters efficiently over the phone.

"Students create all sorts of products with the machine, such as airplanes, boats, puzzles, and boxes."
Processing Determines Material Choice
Various materials are laser-cut and engraved. They use Graflux, a type of HPL specifically developed for engraving, as well as plexiglass, wood, metal, and cardboard. For working with aluminum or metal, they purchased a spray can that creates a coating, making these materials engravable as well. They’ve already created a variety of items: airplanes, boats, puzzles, and boxes, where the parts need to be assembled.
Students generally start with a specific assignment, such as: design something to sit on.
They further develop their sketch into 3D software. Based on that design, they determine which material is most suitable for production. If it’s decided that the design can be made from a thin sheet of wood, they are given the dimensions and work from there. The size and shape are almost entirely free, as long as the project stays within the maximum specified dimensions. The type of processing required plays a key role in selecting the material.