This machine is a means for the Grafisch Lyceum to make students enthusiastic about creating products. In addition, the laser machine is widely used to teach students how to use Adobe Illustrator and create both 2D and 3D products. At Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam we spoke with Leonard Braber, Media Design and ICT teacher. He uses the machine at school on a daily basis.
About the school
Graphic Lyceum offers complete vocational training from VMBO to MBO. “Students start at VMBO, where they are taught about the general development of all kinds of professional skills within the media industry. And at the same school, they choose a secondary vocational education such as a cameraman or designer. They have subjects such as audiovisual, interactive and also how to make 2D or 3D products. And we use the laser machine a lot for that.”
The choice for a laser machine
Leonard tells us more about the choice they made to purchase a laser machine. “We have the 2D & 3D profile and in that profile, students make products from wood, cardboard and paper with the laser machine. We also have 3D printers, but that is a very lengthy process. Therefore, we were actually looking for an extension of machines to make products faster. Then, we did additional training on new media and we ended up with a laser cutter. Because a laser machine is very interesting to have at school. We were immediately enthusiastic about it; it is a great thing! So, after we had taken a look at it, we immediately bought it. The machine is “vandal-proof” and solid, so we can use it for years.”
A good learning path
The learning path with the laser machine is very interesting, according to Leonard. “We use the laser machine to teach students to use Adobe Illustrator so that they can make their own products with it. At first flat products such as a key ring or a coaster. We do this so that they develop more spatial insight. Then, they have to design something in Adobe Illustrator that can actually be put together. It has to fit together and preferably without glue. Some students have designed a plane or a puzzle. They are really very creative with it.”
“Actually, I would like to buy a second one.”
Leonard is very enthusiastic about the machine at school. “It is important for students to be able to create their product. It is nice to be able to design a product. If you can then develop the design into a beautiful item in wood or acrylic, then you have a very good process. We are really happy with it and I would really like to buy a second one.”
Enthusiastic students
The laser machine is a way to get students excited, and this works very well according to Leonard. “We have devoured an incredible amount of wood in recent months. The machine is continuously occupied. Students often queue up to be allowed to make their product. It has made students enthusiastic. And that motivation of the students is very important to us. A laser machine is very interesting for every school that does something with media. With laser cutting you have to deal with other factors such as the thickness of the wood and the speed, for example. And you just don’t have that with simple printed products. So that really is a valuable addition to education, a whole new process.”
The safety of working with the machine is an important aspect according to Leonard. “In the production “hall” (the most important room) there is always an instructor who is always there for the students. The students receive a referral from the teacher, so there is only a certain number of students in the room at a time. The student must always stay with the machine when it is operating. It is also a safe machine because when the valve opens, the machine stops immediately with the job.”
BRM’s service
Leonard tells us more about how he experienced BRM’s service and about the purchase process of the laser machine. “We have requested quotes from various suppliers. The Vrotech company asked me to come by and I immediately did. Then, I had a very clear demonstration and received a clear quote. The placement of the machine was also very well and clearly communicated. I experienced the explanation with the extradition as very pleasant. Once, we had a wrong setting and then we were helped by BRM very professionally via WhatsApp. So far, we are very satisfied with BRM’s service.”
In addition to BRM, Leonard has also obtained information from other companies that offer laser machines. “A competitor of yours was a lot more expensive, and that was the decisive factor in choosing BRM. If you look at the price-quality ratio, this is simply the perfect machine for us.”